14 ways to save on your electric bill

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Explore practical strategies to combat the surge in electricity costs, providing relief to your monthly budgetcredit card.

Powering Savings: Tackling Rising Electric Bills

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Uncover the alarming increase in residential electricity bills, reaching record highs in 2022 and continuing into 2023, as reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration

Electricity Costs on the Rise

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Learn the importance of scheduling an energy audit with your provider, gaining insights into air leakage, insulation needs, and opportunities for free energy-saving products

Step 1: Energy Audit

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Discover the impact of "energy vampires" on your bills and how using smart plugs and power strips can save you $200 a year or more

Outsmarting Energy Vampire

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Dive into the benefits of installing a smart thermostat, potentially saving up to 15% on heating and cooling costs, equivalent to about $145 annually

Smart Thermostats: Intelligent Savings

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Explore discounted rates through "time of use" plans, adjusting your activities during off-peak hours to maximize savings and potential cash rewards.

Strategic Electricity Timing

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Understand the impact of insulation on energy waste and comfort, with insights on projects that can save up to 20% on your electric bill.

Insulating for Efficiency

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Delve into practical home-sealing techniques to prevent air leaks, covering damaged seals, weatherstripping, insulation, and more

Seal, Save, and Stay Comfortable

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Learn how high-performance windows contribute to energy efficiency, reducing the workload on your HVAC system and lowering your electric bill

Window Upgrades for Efficiency

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